Women Who Graduated from Elite Universities Work Less

Photo: Shutterstock

Decades after women fought to participate in the workforce and higher education, Professor Joni Hersch at Vanderbilt University noticed a strange counter trend: more and more female graduates of elite universities are dropping out of the workforce.

“Even though elite graduates are more likely to earn advanced degrees, marry at later ages and have higher expected earnings, they are still opting out of full-time work at much higher rates than other graduates, especially if they have children,” said Hersch.

Hersch’s research finds that 60 percent of female graduates from elite colleges are working full time compared to 68 percent of women from other schools. [...]

Hersch found that when comparing graduates from elite and less selective schools, the largest gap in full-time labor market activity is among women who also earned a master’s in business degree.

“Married MBA mothers with a bachelor’s degree from the most selective schools are 30 percentage points less likely to be employed full time than are graduates of less selective schools,” said Hersch.

But why? Hersch doesn't think it's because these women are being forced out: Link - Thanks Tiffany!

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Duh, because they don't need the money? If they weren't already wealthy, they probably wouldn't have gotten into those elite schools. And I'm sure some of them married men who can make a decent living.

For the vast majority of people, whether you work or not is not a personal choice.
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ummm. it looks nice and all but I'd be imbarressed if I were those dancers, their form sucks! slow-mo shows it all. really guys, you need to go back to the basics of ballet (ie, HEELS TOGETHER WHEN LANDING A JUMP in 1st position!)
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