Cat Map: A Survey of Cats

It had to happen sooner of later: an interactive map of the world's cats. The Cat Map is an effort from the Zoological Society of London to promote the London Zoo’s new Tiger Territory. You can zoom in or out on the world map, and sort cats by age, gender, or color. Bring up information on a particular cat by clicking on a cat icon. I've been comparing the names of British cats to American cats, but I love the Eastern European cat names. Oh yeah, you can upload your cat to be added to the map! Link -via Geekosystem

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The cats have taken down this website. They do not wish their numbers and locations to be known. It's a catspiracy of greatest proportions, which mere humans cannot comprehend.

There is nothing wrong with your connection. They control what you see and hear. They control your innernets.
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Aah lol, yes, he's running away from his brother and the fury of his fans after having cancelled the show in France.

More seriously, there's a lot of hype about using discarded materials to create pratical or decorative objets, the idea is obviously good, I think however that these items should sell for a fair price.
Remember the tinny tin can cars, planes and motos made in Africa? I thought that when these items were in shops the overprice was due because the shops paid the creators a good one, but not. The shops just make enormous profits by taking advantage of press covers and customers who think they do a good action like for fair trading...
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