Family Restroom

Families come in all shapes, sizes, and configurations. A graphic artist named Stephanie designed this family restroom sign to make it clear that it's an inclusive comfort station. I bet there's even a diaper changing station! Link

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Also, longer skirt. I wondered about that last one myself, maybe it meant people with bad eyesight. Then I realized how much it looks like my husband and me. We both have bad eyesight, but once had great sight.
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Who knew there was a stick figure to depict lesbians? I'm guessing that is the middle figure in #4. Also, how is #9 different from #1? I just figured out #9 is grandparents. Short curly hair and glasses must be the universal sign for granny.
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Seen the concept a few times before, usually with a painted warning and stencils of Clinton, Cosby, Gates and Murray but in one case with an even larger collection of Bills, Williams, Billys and Willies. (Hey, if you're going to include Shakespeare, you should also have Shatner. And why leave out Billy Dee Williams and Willie Nelson?) Still, any collection including The Science Guy is good, but Bottom Left Bill has me befuddled too...
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