Banana in Bloom

Anna Pleteneva's photostream is a delight to page through. Her works are crisp, balanced and clear. And every now and then, something really intesting pops up. Why is this work entitled Falling in Love? I don't know, but I like it.

Link -via 1|1k3 (warning: artistic nudity)

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I would think quite a lot. Cory posts quite a few stories from Neatorama (with source/link credited). They're certainly similar sites in pertaining to the concept of posts related to random, neat things from the intertubes and IRL. I would think that the same type of reader would find interest in both sites. And I think both sites also have a fairly web-savvy reader base. So through links back and forth, I'm sure a lot of readers of one site have discovered the other.

Then again, maybe I have no idea what I'm talking about.
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