Dress for the job you want, not for the job you have.
How many times have we heard this advice? And when we hear it, we all have a sort of fantasy that we never manage to share. This reminds me of the time I told my youngest child, who was four or so at the same, that she could be anything she wanted when she grew up. She declared, "I wanna be a fish!" From Extra Fabulous Comics. Link
Comments (8)
um... this is the first time for me replying to someone at Neatorama. I caught my comment on the side of the page and read your comment, so here goes!
Before I got side-tracked with other priorities I wanted to go to Hollywood and become a professional make-up artist. Lucky for me there was enough work in my hometown to keep me busy 9 months out of every year.
I think the werewolves were the most fun to do. Layering the hair and gluing it on faces, making it facially comfortable so their faces could move naturally, etc. I got hired out a lot to do just werewolves and vampires and Frankensteins around Halloween. I made real dentures (snap on fangs) top and bottom and people loved them. The 'vampires' all wanted extra long fangs but I'd argue with them, telling them too long of a bite ratio will end up with shredded lips and goofy looking faces instead of scary ones. Some would insist on the extra long ones so I'd make a deal with them. I make them 'my way' and if they still don't like them I'll make them their way. Never had to make a second set. Now you can buy fangs in halloween shops but back in the 80's and 90's I was the only one around doing that.
Costumes? I think the caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland with all 8 movable arms was pretty cool.
My kids always won halloween costume contests. They loved that.
Now you know way more than you wanted to know, right?
Thanks for asking.