We don't usually post infographics on Neatorama. For one, their quality varies widely and we've been harrassed enough by unscrupulous SEO people who want us to post their infographics that we've placed a sitewide ban on them, but let me make a brief exception for this one I found at David Eaves' Infographic Directory blog (it's a pretty neat blog, if you like infographics).
I mean, how could I not? This infographic by the Australian beermaker Bondi tells us that wombat poops out a cube-shaped poo. Just think about it. A cubic poop.
So, how does a wombat poo a square poop? With difficulty, you might want to say, but no. They poop with delight:
After a bit of googling, we found this video clip by Robyn Lawrence that shines some light upon this mind-boggling question (go science!):
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