By taking a picture every four seconds, photographer Jean-Michel was able to contract a time-lapse sequence of a spider constructing a web. The video covers an hour and a half of work. That's a hard -working eight-legged artist. -via mental_floss
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Yeah, me too! The problem is catching them doing it.
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The thing I always wondered about was how a spider physically gets from several bushes and trees to create the main 6 or 7 support cables that form the basis of the circular web. To me that's more remarkable than the web itself.
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If you've never spent the time to watch a spider spin its web you are missing out on a very profound experience. Yes, it can take at least an hour for them to spin their web but the precision in which they weave is astounding. How one little arachnid keeps track of all the angles, lines and junctions boggles the mind.
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