Fourth Doctor Pony Plush

It is said that when a girl begins dating, she anticipates what to expect from a boy by the example set by her father. Therefore my daughters will grow up assuming that men are knowledgeable about My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.

I will, of course, do my best to encourage this notion.

When my eldest daughter brings home a boy for the first time, I will, as you would expect, be cleaning my rifle. This is Texas; doing otherwise would be considered rude.

But I will at the same time interrogate the lad on MLP minutia, hopefully causing him embarrassment as he is unable to answer simple questions (e.g. "Why are muffins linked to Derpy?") in front of my daughter. Thus I will intimidate him from doing anything ungentlemanly to her.

Photo: LilMoon

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I watched a few episodes featuring the fourth and fifth incarnations of the Doctor when I was a teenager. I didn't get into the show because I found it confusing.

One of the great features of the revival is that it's possible to begin watching from the Ninth Doctor and more or less understand the series.
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Youngfrey: I'll second that amazing comment and your observation about the divide. It irks me that people who have only seen the reboot of the series think that it's the only thing Doctor Who, ignore the other twenty six years of episodes, and then claim to be self-proclaimed experts. It's all the same show.....::sigh:: I'll just continue to work my way through the first run of the series and wait for everyone else to see the parallels between Two and Eleven episodes.
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I wonder if the posters have to lead with the information that a Doctor Who post isn't about one of the reboot Doctors. Because I have run into a pretty sharp divide where people who didn't discover the Doctor until recently do not care for the old ones (despite how amazing they were).
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