Kids On Thanksgiving

(YouTube link)

Random kids in Brooklyn tell us what they are thankful for. I also did not know that Thanksgiving is a Jewish holiday. Link -via Breakfast Links

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The interviewer posted this blurb at the linked site: "In case you missed it, I went around Brooklyn with Ryan Jones recently and asked kids what they’re thankful for. Watch and learn. For example, did you know Thanksgiving is a Jewish holiday? Now you do."

He is referring to what one of the kids in the video said. Sometimes I forget that people tend to form a reaction and make comments without watching the video or visiting the source link.
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I was simply being serious; the fact that my comment was "humorless" is due to the fact that I was leaving a serious reply. And there was nothing condescending in it whatsoever. The original comment was, re: Thanksgiving, that you "didn't know Thanksgiving is a Jewish holiday", which sounds rather like you were saying "Oh, I didn't know Jewish people could celebrate that holiday", which actually sounded kind of icky, kind of like someone saying, "Gee, you mean black people celebrate Christmas, TOO???" And I'm not sure what you mean by "my kind", which also sounds like a stereotyping comment, as did your original one re: "can Jewish people celebrate Thanksgiving" (which may not be what you meant, but it was you sounded like). I guess if you're so sensitive to being corrected if you get something kind of wrong, then you probably shouldn't be posting anywhere public.

And just for the record, I've been meaning to register for this site for quite a long time; I've purchased things from the store and have an account there, but just hadn't gotten around to opening one here. Interesting that you found such a "typical" comment from one of "my kind" compelling enough to go check up on my history.

Were you trying to be funny in your original comment and just didn't pull it off?

Geez, chill out, man.
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I really don't know why you felt moved to write your condescending, humorless comment, P.K. Perhaps the mention of 'Jewish' without a negative slant spawned your comment?

I just noticed that you went through the process of registering just to leave this comment...typical of your kind I guess.
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Thanksgiving is a non-denominational holiday. It is neither Jewish, nor Christian, nor Muslim, nor Pagan, Coptic, Taoist, Hindu, etc. Thanksgiving is a holiday of America, a shared day for any American of any background whatsoever to give thanks.
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