Old Billy (sic) Nye is filled with all sorts of wisdom. Remember that great video he was in about Creationism? Yeah, he is awesome like that. I will tell you growing up I loved his show and I still do love science - I was Biology major through a large part of college. I will also tell you that Bill Nye is the only celebrity I am aware of that shares my birthday. Who knows the date? Don't cheat and Google it! Hint - it is just around the corner..
-Via Explore
I think Darwin/Wallace's theory, i.e. the basic "mutation / selection interaction" will not be dumped... maybe a bit refined, expanded or fine-tuned... but i think it will not be dumped... approximatly the same way that i does not expect that the gravitational theory will be dumped..
Even "outmoded scientific theories" have the advantage that they are only theories... and everyone is free to show any mistake, inadequateness, or just error... as long as he relies on scientific methods... It would be a fundamental error to use the fact that some theories became outdated, expanded or have been proven wrong as a proof that science itself leads to a dead end...
Pleas bear in mind that Cristianity re-named the inquisition, stopped staking, stopped crusading, stopped selling of indulgences... Does this proof that the present christian rules, commitments, will be outdated soon? Does it even proof that it was wrong to stop the inquisition, stop staking, stop crusading, or stop selling of indulgences...
Please before arguing against the evolution theories, check your arguments first on the man in the mirror, ... or ... just keep Matthew 7,1-5 in mind...
Only 99% of them are.
Kids have rights, and one of them should be access to real science.
I'm not advocating Creationism here, GW. I'm saying Darwinian Evolution has critics and they're not all whacko Creationist types. I think that's allowed in the scientific community, right? leave off with the silly Wikipedia articles, read some of the primary critical material and make up your mind for yourself.
So where does the evidence lead?