An Animated Short That Will Put Stars In Your Eyes

 (YouTube Link)

La Luna is a Pixar short with a lot of heart, a story of passing down family traditions no matter how unusual and an absolutely gorgeous film to watch.

With thematic elements reminiscent of The Little Prince and Nemo's Adventures In Slumberland, this is yet another classic short to add to Pixar's already impressive catalog of great CGI films.

-via Tastefully Offensive

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Flawless in every way. Another great Pixar short is the backstory of Carl Fredricksen that is told in the beginning of "Up," also told without dialog. I watched it with my children, my wife and my parents-in-law and all the grownups were getting teared up.

My children are of the right age to have enjoyed all the Pixar films since "Finding Nemo," and I have enjoyed them every bit as much as they have. One of the great things about these movies is the treatment of the father characters: not bumbling idiots as in so many children's films but real, three dimensional characters who can be counted upon for more than cheap laughs. The lighthearted tension between the grandfather and father in "La Luna" is a great example of Pixar's fair treatment of dear old dad.
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