20 Amazing and Geeky Matching Parent/Child Halloween Costumes

We’ve featured adorable pet costumes and great geek costumes, so now it’s time to combine the two with geeky and precious matching parent and child costumes. Whether you’re looking for some inspiration on how to dress up with your own kiddo this Halloween or just like seeing cute youngsters in costumes, you’re sure to find something you’ll enjoy here.

Of all the matching parent/child costumes I’ve seen at Comic Con, this Axe Cop and Uni-Baby remain my all time favorites.

Just like a real Dalek, this little guy, featured on i09, couldn’t be happier to get a hold of the Doctor’s sonic screw driver. On the upside, he’s more likely to exterminate his parent’s sleep schedule than to wipe out an entire race.

This is a seriously amazing Big Daddy costume, but the fact that the Little Sister is actually an adorable little girl -instead of a grown woman like most Little Sisters you see at conventions- is what really sets these two apart. Of course, I can’t help but wonder if the little girl has actually played the game Bioshack and knows what she’s dressed as. Let’s just hope she’s blindly oblivious.

Image Via millermz [Flickr]

These Planet of the Apes costumes are utterly fantastic, but my favorite thing about this photo is that the little girl looks genuinely sad as though she is nothing more than a pet in a world of apes.

Image Via mhaithaca [Flickr]

Plenty of parents dress their babies as little devils for Halloween, but when you pair the costume with Dogma’s Buddy Christ, both outfits become that much cooler.

Image Via sjmck [Flickr]

I don’t think the real Eddie Munster ever looked as absolutely adorable as the one seen on Modern Kiddo –and Grandpa Munster is looking younger than ever. That reverse-aging serum he was working on in his lab must have been a smashing success.

They may be mysterious and spooky, but this Addams Family is far from being altogether ooky.

Image Via Jaxzin [Flickr]

When your owl is this adorable, I doubt you’d send any letters out. You don’t want someone to intercept poor little Hedwig, do you Harry?

Image Via Bradley j [Flickr]

Because Where the Wild Things Are is such a wildly popular children’s book, kids are constantly going as Max for Halloween. What makes this Modern Kiddo reader’s costume special though is the fact that the little guy has his very own boat to sail off to meat his monster friends.

What happens when a baby genius becomes an orphan? Well, if his last name is Frankenstein, he just makes himself some new parents.

Image Via Diamond Mind [Flickr]

If the family that geeks out together stays together then these four are destined to be close until the end of time. I particularly love the R2-D2 stroller adaptation.

Image Via Gilly Youner [Flickr]

There are plenty of Star Wars families out there, but most of them chose to go in the classic Leia, Han and Luke costumes like the previous family. That’s what makes this family of Tusken Raiders so wonderfully unique and memorable.

Image Via Doc Brown [Flickr]

The great thing about this family of Incredibles is that they have every member of the family featured in the main adventure –remember, the baby stayed at home. Also, while the parents might not look much like the characters they are playing, the kids both look a lot like the ones in the movie.

Image Via heath bar [Flickr]

I don’t know about you guys, but I had no idea that Superman and Wonder Woman had a baby together, nor did I know that he would one day grow up to be Captain America. There must be some sort of time portal involved in this story line.

Image Via Desert Bug [Flickr]

You know, of everyone in this family, I’ve gotta say, Robin is the one I’d be most worried about tangling with. Just look at the intensity in those eyes.

Image Via heath bar [Flickr]

Let’s just hope that he actually knows this baby, unlike Alan in The Hangover. If you don’t want to dress up your baby, but do want to wear your own costume, this is always a great option.

Image Via ttrentham [Flickr]

Sure this family of Mortal Kombat fighters look great, but just wait until the drama starts at Thanksgiving dinner. You’d better like blood gravy on your mashed potatoes, because that’s what you’re getting.

Image Via Pop Culture Geek [Flickr]

Little Woody from Modern Kiddo doesn’t look nearly as concerned about how cute he and Jessie look so much as how far the dirt goes when he kicks it. At least, in his heart, he knows that he’s got a friend in Mom.

Sometimes people don’t dress up their babies because they worry the little one will be uncomfortable, but this Cheshire Cat costume solves that problem, as it is simply a pink onesie and some leggings that had purple stripes added to them and a thin tail also made from some of her leggings. While the babe makes a great accessory to mom’s Alice costume, she probably doesn’t even notice that she’s wearing anything out of the ordinary.

This costume is great for any family, but how much more awesome would it be if the parents both happened to be marine biologists?

Image Via Rob lef [Flickr]

 Are any of you parents planning to dress up to match your kiddos this year? If so, what are you planning to wear?

Love Halloween and cosplay? Check out our Halloween Blog!

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Yep! Last year, my daughter and I both went as My Little Ponies (I was Twilight Sparkle, she was Rainbow Dash) and this year we are going out as Mommy and Daughter Dragons! I love dressing up with her for Halloween, I will be very sad when she gets old enough to think it's lame.
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Last year, I was Professor Trelawney while my kids were Harry, Hermione, Luna and, Crookshanks. My husband wore a name tag which read, "Wendell Wilkins" (Potterheads who have read the book will get the reference). http://ourgoatrodeo.blogspot.com/2011/11/hogwarts-will-always-be-there-to.html

This year, my oldest is a weeping angel, my youngest the TARDIS, and they told me I need to be Sally Sparrow.
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