Over 40 Fantastic Animal Halloween Costumes

If there’s anything cuter than an adorable critter, it’s an adorable animal in a costume and while you’re bound to see plenty of them this month, this collection of over 40 of the cutest costumed critters around is sure to stand out from the precious little crowd.

A Chihuahua as Nacho Libre

I can’t help but imagine this little guy howling “Nachooo” as he drops his cape at the edge of the ring.

Image Via gwen [Flickr]

A Ferret as Freddy Krueger

I wonder if getting those gloves on this little guy was a “nightmare.”

Image Via CrazyFerretGirl [Flickr]

A Pug as a Pug

Admittedly, it’s not much of a disguise, but what he lacks in originality, this little guy more than makes up for in adorability.

Image Via DaPuglet [Flickr]

An English Bulldog as a Hooters Waitress

If all the waitresses as Hooters were this fuzzy and cute, I’d eat there all the time.

Image Via Capital M [Flickr]

A Pit Bull as Queen Elizabeth

Somehow the sad expression she’s making gives her an air of regality.

Image Via avianto [Flickr]

A Chow Chow as Napoleon Dynamite

What you don’t know is that he just threw a fit because he forgot his chap stick at home.

Image Via Do512.com [Flickr]

A Cat as a Sushi Chef

I’m not sure if this is a Halloween costume or a clever disguise this kitty created to get an all-access pass to the freshest fish in town.

Image Via u-murrayhusted [Flickr]

A Terrier as a Pan Am Stewardess

The thing that makes any costume really stand out are the accessories and the choice to include a tiny Pan Am bag with this ensemble makes the whole look simply perfect.

Image Via istolethetv [Flickr]

A Pomeranian as Hugh Hefner

Similarly, the best thing about this costume is the tiny copy of Play Dog magazine –although Hef’s bunnies don’t hurt either.

Image Via istolethetv [Flickr]

A Chihuahua as the Pope

Bow down before the power of the cuteness.

Image Via istolethetv [Flickr]

Dogs as Crayons

I absolutely love that these little ones even came with a drawing of a happy sunshine.

Image Via istolethetv [Flickr]

A Boston Terrier as Elliot

This little guy seems all too happy to be getting carted around all day rather than having to walk.

Image Via istolethetv [Flickr]

A Chihuahua as Rickie Ricardo

Rickie looks tired –he must have been playing a late night show at the club last night.

Image Via istolethetv [Flickr]

A Pomeranian as Tron

As if his outfit weren’t enough, the decision to actually make a giant console for him to hang out in puts this costume over the top.

Image Via animaltourism.com [Flickr]

A Poodle as Big Bird

Hercules won the LaGrange Humane Society's Dog Halloween Costume Contest with this costume.

Image Via The Suss-Man [Flickr]

Pugs as Royalty

These three make quite the royal flush.

Image Via Jesse Draper [Flickr]

A Dachshund as Mario

It’s-a-me Mario-the-dog!

Image Via Downtown Traveler [Flickr]

A Pup as Oscar the Grouch

As if Oscar and Big Bird didn’t make this picture great on their own, you even have Thing 1 hanging out next to them.

Image Via avianto [Flickr]

A Horse as Dumbo

Just don’t make him try to fly, even with his magic feather.

Image Via iamtimmo [Flickr]

A Pit Bull as Jackie O

Is it just me, or does Jackie look worried about something?

Image Via istolethetv [Flickr]

A Dog as Marie Antoinette’s Date

I see Maries every Halloween, but this might just be the most attractive companion I’ve ever seen at her side.

Image Via Bruno Habasque [Flickr]

A Bearded Dragon as The Mad Hatter

Sometimes all you need for a great pet Halloween costume is an adorable hat.

Image Via katiebread [Flickr]

A Golden Retriever as Osama Bin Laden

Do you think Bark Obama will be able to take down Osama Been Barkin?

Image Via Dance Party Duo [Flickr]

A Ferret as a Bride

Here comes the bride –and she’s looking simply gorgeous today.

Image Via Selbe B [Flickr]

A Shih Tzu  as a Cowboy

This little cowpoke looks ready to strut his stuff at the 2005 Bark in the Park.

Image Via kevinthoule [Flickr]

A Ferret as a Devil

Plenty of ferret owners will tell you this costume couldn’t be more appropriate.

Image Via Selbe B [Flickr]

A Horse as the Chocolate in a S’more

I’m usually a huge fan of s’mores, but I don’t think I’d want to bite into this one any time soon.

Image Via Princess Milady [Flickr]

A Cat as a Clown

His sad facial expression indicates that he must be one of those strange depressed clowns that seem to be more popular in Europe than the U.S.

Image Via Brit [Flickr]

A French Bulldog as Michael Jackson

Satchmo makes one heck of an MJ, but he better not be too “Bad” or he might end up on Dogshamming.com.

Image Via istolethetv [Flickr]

A Cat as Buzz Lightyear

This little guy is willing to go “to infinity and beyond” if it means catching that sparrow he’s had his eye on.

Image Via plasticrevolver [Flickr]

A Weiner Dog as a French Maid

I wonder if the boy dogs were into this costume the way human men are when attractive woman go as French maids.

Image Via Andrew Teman [Flickr]

A Boston Terrier as The Joker

Oddly, this image is captioned as “Shuggie as Cinderella" on Flickr.

Image Via Tricia Wang [Flickr]

A Pug as Chinese Food

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think he looks too jazzed about being a giant box of take out food.

Image Via istolethetv [Flickr]

A Boxer as an Olympic Swimmer

He can’t swim as fast as Phelps, but he’s far cuter.

Image Via Andrew Teman [Flickr]

A Horse as a Cow

So does it moo or neigh?

Image Via Hadleygrass is asparagus [Flickr]

A Ferret as Elvis

If any animal could do the pelvis dance as well as Elvis, it would certainly be a ferret.

Image Via CrazyFerretGirl [Flickr]

A Retriever as a Mailman

I particularly love the pup dressed as fan letter to Bo Obama in the background.

Image Via istolethetv [Flickr]

A Cat as Superman

Do you think cat nip is Milo’s Kryptonite?

Image Via Malingering [Flickr]

A Jack Russell as a Bobby Soxer

According to the photographer, when a pooch wears a poodle skirt, it should be called a “people” skirt instead.

Image Via megadem [Flickr]

A Dog as a Skunk

Someone call Pepe because little Chloe here is simply too cute as a lady skunk.

Image Via Jason Coleman [Flickr]

Bunnies as a Queen and a Devil

There aren’t too many bunny costumes out there, which makes this pair even more adorable.

Image Via Keithius [Flickr]

An Iguana as a Bunny

It’s also pretty rare to catch an iguana in costume, let alone as a cute and cuddly rabbit.

Image Via sean94110 [Flickr]

A Cat as a Pumpkin

Pooh was really not feeling this pumpkin costume.

Image Via Jennuine Captures [Flickr]

Are any of you pet owners dressing your critter up this Halloween? If so, what will your little one be going as? Zeon and I will probably just dress our little guy in his turtle costume again.

Love Halloween and cosplay? Check out our Halloween Blog!

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Very cute article. I particularly like the Pit as Queen Elizabeth. She is one pretty monarch :P

I noticed an error as well. I believe it's supposed to be Dogshaming.com as opposed to Dogshamming.com
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