Shield Turns a Backpack into Body Armor

LaRue Tactical's kevlar composite armored plate might help you stay safe out in the world. The half-inch thick panel slips into standard backpacks and provides level IIIA ballistic protection. That means it can stop a 9mm or .44 magnum round.

Product Page -via The Firearms Blog

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'We bought you a kevlar armored backpack to take to school, and did you use it properly? - no!!! When you get out of this ICU, we're going to wheel you into the kitchen and have a serious talk about your lack of gratitude... and poor crouching technique!'
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'We bought you a kevlar armored backpack to take to school, and did you use it properly? - no!!! When you get out of this ICU, we're going to wheel you into the kitchen and have a serious talk about your lack of gratitude... and poor crouching technique!'
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