Letting the Cat Out of the Bag

Redditor mrfahrenheit94 tells the story of an elementary teacher. She didn't believe her young student when he said he'd brought his cat to school -until he opened his backpack! The child's parents were called to come pick up the cat, who was undoubtedly happy to go home in a car instead of a backpack. Did you ever take a pet to school, thinking it was a great idea? Link

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I teach 5th grade. During my first year, I also had a student bring her cat to school in her backpack. Some other students saw her giving it a drink from the water fountain and ratted her out :) I also had a little girl bring six frogs to school in her backpack. Unfortunately, only two were still alive by the time that they were discovered.
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I was always bringing the spiders and snakes and lizards that I caught in the fields around my house to show and tell when I was a little girl. The teacher didn't mind, but the bus driver certainly did--especially when the critters inevitably escaped on the ride home!

My sister took a litter of puppies for show and tell when she was in kindergarten. My mom taught at the same school, and her teacher called her up in a panic when Sis's eyes swelled shut because she was (and still is) so allergic to dogs.--or possibly 5 pups plus 15 5 year olds was just a bad combination. Either way, I never got to take dogs or cats to school.
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We were big on pets for show-and-tell when I was in kindergarten. I remember my mom bringing a chicken in a cage one time and I seem to also remember bringing a litter of kittens.
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