A Rubik's Cube for the Blind

You can design a Rubik's Cube with Braille letters to signify colors. Doing so, howevever, presents a problem:

But when you turn a braille letter upside down, it becomes a different braille letter. So as the user rotates the cube it becomes impossible to read the colors.

Brian Doom solved that problem by giving a cube six distinct textures, each of which represents a color.

Link -via Smart News

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That is such a fantastic idea! I immediately pictured the cube at the various stages when you're solving it- all the corners correct; the top and bottom sides and top 2 rows on the other sides correct; top and bottom sides correct and all the squares but one on each of the other 4 sides correct; and so on. Love the mental image of texture as opposed to color and the patterns they would create!
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