We've been promising to bring you photos from Comic Con for the last week and it's finally time to reveal all the great costumes spotted by Zeon and myself. Here are the fifty greatest costumes we saw at the 2012 San Diego Comic Con. One of the biggest events at the convention this year was the ten year reunion of the Firefly cast and crew. Surprisingly, there weren't all that many Firefly cosplayers at the convention. That being said, this group was a great tribute to the ship's crew. I actually was dressed as Mal that day and they were very excited to finally get the last member of the team together for some photographs.
As always, there were plenty of Doctor Who costumes, but this duo of Clockwork Androids were definitely some of the best.
This crossplay version of The Doctor was simply adorable and I have to say that I think she was the cutest girl-version of Matt Smith at the whole convention.
This year there were also quite a few young impersonators of Mr. Smith, although this young chap had the perfect personality and pose for the costume.
Speaking of cute costumes for kids, just check out this fantastic version of Nyan Cat!
This Wilfred did a great job at getting a great fluffy dog suit. In fact, he was the only decent looking Wilfred I saw at the convention that wasn't actually hired by FX to promote the show.
From all the years I've gone to the con, this was the first time I saw anyone cosplay as someone from NCIS. But I have to say, this girl did a great job.
If you prefer your TV shows to be a bit older, than you certainly would have appreciated this Morticia, who not only had the perfect dress, but also accessorized the costume with a black parasol and a rose stem.
This Green Hornet also did a nice job with his costume. He told us he was going to be Dick Tracy the next day, but unfortunately, we didn't end up seeing him on Saturday.
This lovely, gender-swapped Green Hornet was really happy to see me dressed as female Malcolm Reynolds so we were both quite happy to be photographed together.
This Stay Puft Marshmallow Man just might have been my favorite costume at the whole convention because it was so unique. It also looks like it might be one of the most comfortable, seeing as how it wrapped the wearer up in a blanket of fanned air.
While you always see plenty of girls dressed as Leeloo from the Fifth Element, you generally don't see them wearing this iconic outfit -for obvious reasons. This girl was very, very brave and very comfortable with her body.
For those that aren't comfortable showing so much skin (or, in fact, any skin), this Predator costume would make a great alternative.
Zombie costumes are a dime a dozen these days, which is why the truly creative zombie cosplayers always incorporate another element into their costume. I was particularly fond of this woman's clockwork zombie look.
Speaking of steampunk versions of otherwise overdone costumes, this steampunk Wolverine costume was quite well done, complete with brass claws.
As this steampunk Joker was happy to point out though, the look doesn't need to be limited to just browns and yellows. This woman actually won the Warner Bros. costume contest on Saturday evening.
Just outside the contest was this lazy Batman. While there are plenty of people working to promote their websites, this might have been the most fun display I saw all weekend.
Unfortunately, this is precisely what happens when Batman retires. Robin is left to fend for himself and the results often aren't pretty.
After a butt kicking like that, is it really that hard to understand why Robin would become the Red Hood and suddenly find Poison Ivy impossible to resist?
Perhaps the most common costume at the convention was the Joker. That being said, this gentleman was the most convincing of all cosplayers, in part because he had the perfect face for playing the devious villain.
Of course, no level of demented Joker face could ever compare to this creepy version of Catwoman and the Dark Knight.On the other hand, I wouldn't mess with this Batman, would you?
For fans of more offbeat comics, Plastic Man is always a good option.
Arthur and The Tick are another great choice when it comes to more unique Comic Con costumes.
While a few other heroes went down dark paths on the convention floor, this family stayed squeaky clean and trustworthy. Super Girl and Wonder Woman look much younger in real life though.
Speaking of families, did you hear that Harley Quinn and Joker are expecting their first little henchman soon? This was by far the best couple's costume I saw all weekend.
Fans of the Axe Cop will no doubt recognize the genius of this father/son costume pairing Axe Cop with Uni-Baby.
Everyone should recognize this mother/daughter team: Alice and her adorable Cheshire Cat.
Tim Burton would be proud to see how many Alice cosplayers choose to dress like his version of the story rather than the classic Disney version.
For all the hundreds of Star Wars costumes at the convention, this is only the second time I've ever seen someone dressed as a character from Spaceballs and it's the first time I've seen anyone go as Dark Helmet. (A few years ago, I did see Barf though.) I promised this gentleman I would link to his site to help him find this gallery, so here goes.
It was also the first time I saw someone dressed as Pee Wee Herman, which is surprising, because he's a pretty popular icon at the convention.
Generally, sports movies aren't huge with the Comic Con crowd, but everyone seemed to love this great costume based on the uniforms worn in A League of Their Own.
Imagine how much more awesome baseball would be if everyone wore these jumping stilts from Portal. While there were plenty of wannabe Chells at the convention, this was the only one with real stilts on.
Speaking of unique and clever gaming costumes, it was hard not to love this WOW-inspired Elf costume. After all, she even built in her own quest indicator.
Of course, you don't have to do anything wacky to make a good video game costume. Just make sure you have practically every detail down like this cosplayer did when she put together outfit based on Morrigan from Dragon Age.
Similarly, this female version of Desmond from Assassin's Creed works well because she managed to incorporate his hidden wrist blade into her costume so well.
This father/son duo did a great job with their Meganan and Zero costumes.
It's always great when you get to see cosplayers grouped up together, whether the meetings reflect relationships the characters would actually have or ones that are just completely bizarre. That being said, this group of heroes from minor characters within Nickelodeon shows was simply fantastic.
Here's another unexpected pairing that worked rather well for some reason. An interesting fact about the Domo costume: she could not see out of it unless she moved the red curtain in his mouth.
Seeing a lolita-version of Totoro with a rather young Doctor was also a pleasant, but highly unexpected surprise.
Perhaps the strangest sight Zeon and I saw all weekend was Belle getting to know Sirius Black a little better. In a way it makes sense though. After all, he his a handsome and kind gentleman once you get past his terrifying reputation and horrific mug shot.
This couple certainly had the most elegant pose of any pair I came across.
I regret that I do not know what anime they come from though. If you do, please let me know in the comments. Thank you Ami for explaining that these two are Keith Anyan and Physis from Toward the Terra.
Here's another costume I couldn't put a name to. If you know what he's supposed to be, please let me know in the comments. Thank you Craig and Bradley for pointing out that this is Gentleman Ghost from DC Comics. On the other hand, here's a costume anyone should be able to recognize, because who doesn't love sock monkeys?
This Faye Valentine did a great job at bringing her character to life.
I'm sure you Cowboy Bebop fans will appreciate this: I took the photo of Faye Valentine and then immediately, the next cosplayer I came across was this cute little Eddie. Was it fate? Maybe. My bad, thank you Anne Packrat for pointing out that this was not Eddie from Cowboy Bebop, but Misty from Pokemon. Just came out, there were a lot of Princess Merida's at the convention. I really enjoyed this version complete with suction cup arrows.
With the glasses and chin piercing, I think this cosplayer wanted to be on the ground floor as one of the first versions of Hipster Merida.
I wasn't sure if this gal was actually hired to work at the convention or if I just happened to catch a Cars II fan reliving one of the movie's best scenes. Either way, this picture couldn't have been more adorable if I planned it.
On the far other end of the cute scale was this terrifyingly realistic rat man. He was there to promote a cinema makeup school -as you can tell by his hat. I think he did a pretty good job.
You don't have to wear anything that crazy to get noticed though. This gentleman did a fantastic impression of Kermit's voice and even wrote his own customized songs for the puppet to sing including, "Oh Miss Piggy, don't you cry for me. I've gone to San Diego with a banjo on my knee." Needless to say, he was a bit hit with the youngsters. If these fifty photos didn't yet satiate your appetite for Comic Con cosplay, I have even more great pictures from the convention and a contest for those who can name the unknown characters over at my site, Rue the Day. You can also enjoy Neatorama's coverage from 2011, 2010 and 2009 or Rue the Day's galleries from 2011, 2010, 2009 and 2008. I also have galleries featuring just pretty girls from Comic Con this year, 2011, 2010 and 2008 and only attractive gents from this year and 2011. And we also have the more recent collection of costumes spotted at this year's WonderCon. And if that's not enough, Geeks Are Sexy has four galleries of pictures from Comic Con 2012: one, two, three, four.
Re the headless dandy all in white, that's Gentleman Ghost, a DC Comics villain.
And I think that Eddie is actually Misty from Pokemon.
The man is black is Keith Anyan. He is the anti-hero/second protagonist in the series.
The blond woman in purple is Physis. She is a blind woman who uses Tarot cards to predict the future.
That pose is probably based on one of DVD covers: