22 Incredibly Creepy Toys

Now isn't this just a lovely thing to have around for the kids? I wish I knew the original source of this picture. It looks like something you may be able to purchase at Etsy, although the human teeth may make it a limited edition toy. It's part of Buzzfeed's collection of 22 incredibly creepy toys, which will give you the willies. Noticeably absent: Furby. Link

Update: This toy is a Fuggler from the Etsy store cathairandteeth, run by British artist Mrs McGettrick. It has been sold, but she has plenty of others! -Thanks, mikerbaker!

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I had one of #11 (on the left) as a kid. It looked down at me from a shelf and had a big hole in the back of its head. I used to dream about hordes of spiders coming out of the hole. It was a great day when I was finally "too old" to keep dolls around!
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I had one of #11 (on the left) as a kid. It looked down at me from a shelf and had a big hole in the back of its head. I used to dream about hordes of spiders coming out of the hole. It was a great day when I was finally "too old" to keep dolls around!
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