Your town lacks space for a library? Try this virtual solution by Project Ingeborg in Klagenfurt, Austria:
An initiative called Project Ingeborg has placed 70 stickers equipped with QR codes and NFC chips in various locations around the town, Engadget reports. When you hold your smartphone up to one, it sends your browser to a website where you can download a free literary classic via Project Gutenberg or a similar public-domain service.
Here's the cool part: In many cases, the book is relevant to the location where you can download it. So, according to the Project Ingeborg website, you can download a famous play about a man's quest for salvation near the Cathedral, or a short story called "The Murderer" near the police station. And there are plans to expand the project beyond books, to include reference information, music, and works of art.
Link | Photo: Project Ingeborg
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