We Live in an Age of Wonders

Randall Munroe of xkcd demonstrates to us how greatly our knowledge of the cosmos has expanded just recently. Here's his scaled representation of all 786 known planets, most of which were unknown a few years ago. He reminds us of something that we could easily forget: "This is an exciting time."

View the full-size image at the link.

Link -via Geekosystem

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Based on the IAU definition of planet there are 8 planets in our solar system. If you look at the xkcd pic there are eight planets inside the box labeled "our solar system". One is very small, mercury.

There are also about 5 additional confirmed dwarf planet in out solar system:

And numerous other dwarf planets that have been spotted and are almost confirmed:
Orcus – discovered on February 17, 2004.
Quaoar – discovered on June 5, 2002.
2007 OR10 – discovered on July 17, 2007.
Sedna - discovered on November 14, 2003.

Plus dozens more dimmer ones that have been spotted and are being vetted by the astronomical community.
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