How Apple Gets You to Touch Their Computers

Every design element of an Apple Store is arranged to subtly encourage visitors to become customers. The computer screens, for example, are angled at 70° to compel users to adjust them. Touching the screen lets users experience Apple products tactility and increases the desire to purchase one:

The point, explains Carmine Gallo, who is writing a book on the inside workings of the Apple Store, is to get people to touch the devices. "The main reason notebook computers screens are slightly angled is to encourage customers to adjust the screen to their ideal viewing angle," he says -- "in other words, to touch the computer."

A tactile experience with an Apple product begets loyalty to Apple products, the thinking goes -- which means that the store exists to imprint a brand impression on visitors even more than it exists to extract money from them. "The ownership experience is more important than a sale," Gallo notes. Which means that the store -- and every single detail creating the experience of it -- are optimized for customers' personal indulgence. Apple wants you to touch stuff, to play with it, to make it your own.

Link -via Kottke | Photo: Oswaldo Rubio

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Hard to believe, the worst cutomer experience in the last decade was last year at an Apple Store. "Go stand in the corner, someone will be with you." It took two hours and four mangers to sell me a phone. Returning the defective phone was equally horrid.
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We had the most fabulous experience at an Apple store. My husband pre-ordered a new IPad online. Once we arrived at the store it took 7 minutes to complete the transaction and leave with the new iPad which he really likes a lot. I think the customer service was exemplary. Love our apple products for ease of use and infinite options.
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People who go into an Apple Store don't need incentive to purchase something for they have already decided that they will. All you need to tell them is it has 16gb ram, 500 trillion more pixels, you can go on Facebook with it, and it'll only cost you $4000!

Apple pay twice as much for something half as good

oh did I mention they're really good for artists!!!!!!
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