Bacon Coffin

When you want to go whole hog for a funeral, you can have a genuine bacon coffin for just $2,999.99!
This genuine bacon casket is made of 18 Gauge Gasketed Steel with Premium Bacon Exterior/Interior, and includes a Memorial and Record Tube, Adjustable Bed and Mattress and Stationary and Swingbar handles. It also includes a bacon air freshener for when you get that buried-underground, not-so-fresh feeling.

Link -via Boing Boing

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Nice steel box to stew in! Nothing better than spending your afterlife in your own juices. I agree with Lake Troll, although there is a certain point in every cremation when the body is very much like bacon.
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Nice steel box to stew in! Nothing better than spending your afterlife in your own juices. I agree with Lake Troll, although there is a certain point in every cremation when the body is very much like bacon.
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