Slow Motion Ballet

This one is wonderful: the grace and beauty of ballet, captured in slow mo. Take a look and appreciate the graceful movements of Marina Kanno and Giacomo Bevilaqua from Staatsballett Berlin at 1,000 frames per second.

Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Devour

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ummm. it looks nice and all but I'd be imbarressed if I were those dancers, their form sucks! slow-mo shows it all. really guys, you need to go back to the basics of ballet (ie, HEELS TOGETHER WHEN LANDING A JUMP in 1st position!)
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ummm. it looks nice and all but I'd be imbarressed if I were those dancers, their form sucks! slow-mo shows it all. really guys, you need to go back to the basics of ballet (ie, HEELS TOGETHER WHEN LANDING A JUMP in 1st position!)
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