Happy 3/14…aka Pi Day! There are plenty of ways to celebrate this delightful holiday, from baking your own pie to attending or hosting your own pie contest. That being said though, if you’re too lazy to get involved with pie making yourself, you can always check out some of the contests online, particularly the Instructables/Serious Eats contest. Of course, if you do that, you’ll only get to enjoy the pies created for that particular contest that year. That’s why we’ve compiled this list featuring some of the geekiest pies ever created in honor of everyone’s favorite irrational number.
Serious Eats is one of the biggest sponsors of Pi Day contests, but they also offer their tips to bake your own Pi-shaped pie for those who aren't up to the contest challenge. While this one features peanut butter and chocolate filling, I’m sure you could adapt the basic design to feature any of your favorite pie flavors.
The great thing about this pi, by Instructables User brooklynbrownie, is that it isn’t one round pie, but a series of pies that write out the first 101 digits of pi, and it still incorporates pi’s iconic symbol right there in the middle. With this much thought and effort, it’s no wonder brooklynbrownie took home first place in the 2011 contest.
Here’s a pie by Instructables user Beanie10 that might be too confusing for some people to really grasp. See, it’s an apple cranberry pie inside of a blueberry pie inside of a raspberry pie with a maze on top. Ok, if you saw Inception then you totally get where this Pi-Ception is coming from, but that doesn’t change how awesome it is. And just look at those amazing pi writings on the outside of the crust. This thing took some serious dedication and probably would have won first place in the contest if broolynbrownies wasn’t just so perfectly thought out.
Personally, I’m rooting for Shannon N. of A Periodic Table Blog to win this year’s contest. After all, what is more delightfully mathematically irrational than a pie filled with numerical apples? Of course, she didn’t neglect pi either, it’s written out to almost the first thirty digits on the crust.
If you like puns, then you’ll love this Pi(rate) Pie by Instructables user emitchell314 that not only features a delightful pirate skull, but also crossed pi symbols filling in for crossbones.
For even more pirate pun goodness, there’s always this creation by Instructables user S-creek that features a pie-rat sporting a pi symbol on his pirate hat.
Sometimes, it’s what’s on the inside that really counts…like this peanut butter chocolate pie by Instructables user SarahPy that looks like an every day pie until you cut it open to reveal the pi inside.
Yes bacon is a favorite food of geeks around the world, and yes, it does feature a pi symbol on the top, but this bacon and chocolate mouse isn’t particularly notable for either of those facts. Instead, it’s the fact that the ingredients are arranged in a Fibonacci sequence that makes this pie by Jason Goldman a cut above the rest.
Similarly, this pie by Donna Currie doesn’t look particularly nerdy at all, but the fact that the ingredients are organized to write out the first seven digits of pi make it special enough to fit in on this list.
This Ordered Pear Pie might not look as geeky as some of the others, but that’s really only because the fractal pattern the pears were arranged in were slightly buried by the frangipane puffing up. But even so, Deena of Mostly Food Stuffs certainly deserves a little extra credit for working in ordered pair/pear puns into her pie.
While Dennis Wilkinson didn’t take home any awards for his pies, the fact that he made six different pies to celebrate the holiday certainly speaks well of his geekery as well as his baking skills.
William Jones’ Pi Pie (Mathematically Infused) might be one of the most fun Pi Day Instructables to read, even if you can’t actually follow the directions to make his pie (in fact, the one in the picture was store bought). That’s because the directions include the first 30 digits of pie in the text and include such fun steps as tenderizing your protractors and microwaving your graphing calculators.
To be fair, this pie by Evil Mad Scientist Labs isn’t related to Pi Day. After all, it’s square and doesn’t even feature a pi squared joke. Even so, it’s certainly nerdy enough to have earned its own spot on this list. After all, it’s an apple pie that looks just like an Apple tower…and lasers were used in its making, which always adds on a few points to any geek scorecard.
Lastly, if you’re looking for something more substantial to munch on before you start gobbling down on the rest of these pies, well, don’t forget pizza pi is just as mathematically friendly. In fact, this Italian Pi by Instructables user Hammock Boy includes pi-based toppings as well as a side of pi crusty knots. Yum! Are any of you making or eating pies today? Have you worked in any additional pi goodness or is the simple mathematical power of a circle good enough for you?
Also, don't forget that we have plenty of great pi accessories in the Neatoshop, ideal for your mathematical holiday enjoyment.