Combine LEGO, Transformers, and Game Boy, and you've got a toy geek's dream creation. Julius von Brunk built a Transformer (named Domaster) out of LEGO bricks that changes from a classic Nintendo Game Boy to a robot! Domaster's blaster weapons are double-A batteries (made of LEGO pieces) that fit inside his thighs for storage. Domaster has a sidekick, too, a robot bird named Tetrawing that transforms into a Tetris game cartridge -that fits in Domaster's Game Boy slot! Read more about this project and see plenty of pictures at MOCpages. Link -via The Daily What Geek
Update: Check out von Brunk's website!
She enjoyed that sort of thing. I had crescent-shaped fingernail-sized scars on my forearms well into jr. high, campaign badges my sinister attempts to recover my own construction paper from her room.
Ten years ago, her shrink had her confront our delicate mother after pinpointing the heinous childhood trauma at the root of all her troubles: that when helping her study her 6th grade spelling list, my mother thought it was cute and laughed when my sister initially pronounced 'Des Moines' as 'dez-moyneez,' an event I remember. She's a doctor now. I shouldn't be as nice to her as I am, dangit.
I understand similar troubles with what you described. My recent LEGO masterpieces have been entirely financed with my own personal income that I've earned in my adulthood years. As a child, however, things weren't as easy; you see, I grew up in an abusive, impoverished family (with two dads) -- and my stepdad was a cruel, violent and sadistic bastard who would randomly confiscate and hide my LEGO collection for no reason. There were times when I was 9 years old, and I went months without making a new creation, simply because my stepdad would suddenly decide to be a dick and take away my bricks. As I got older, I slowly became more self-reliant and possessive of my LEGO collection -- it's one thing that no one can take from me.
Years went by, and I'm out on my own and fending for myself. I live alone, and since I had no encouragement from my family during my formative years, my recent success and savvy have all been a result of my own dedication. I haven't spoke to my stepdad in years, and last I heard, he's miserably living in a run-down apartment somewhere with his second batch of illegitimate kids; I owe nothing to him. The minifig tattoos on my right arm are an eternal sign of my fondness to this franchise.
Nothing can stand in the way of a true LEGO fan!
-Baron von Brunk