In 1956, 12-year old Jim Berger wanted to build a house for his dog. So he asked the Frank Lloyd Wright to design one.
In Berger's favor, Wright had designed his family's house. So he knew Berger and was on good terms with the kids' family. The famous architect composed a complete set of plans for a dog house that would fit the same style. Berger never built it, but his family did in 1963. The family dogs, however, disapproved of its organic style and refused to live in it.
Link -via Flavorwire | Photo: Architects + Artisans
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Walter Gropius also designed a house for his dog. He of course called it the "bau wau haus".
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Did the roof leak?
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I did a similar thing for my dogs. I'd finished building a workshop/summer house at the bottom of the garden and had some materials left over, so I built a matching kennel for the dogs in miniature, even to the shingles on the roof. To this day neither of them has so much as put a nose through the entrance.
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Even the dogs knew that Wright's designs were unliveable. But the doghouse probably won all kinds of awards.
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Although the above story omitted it, the doghouse has been re-built by Jim Berger, and I will be bringing it on tour along with my new Frank Lloyd Wright documentary "Romanza, the Buildings of California Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright". An updated schedule of program dates can be found on the website
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