Birthday Sloth (YouTube link)This is just too downright cute not to share. All her life, actress Kristin Bell wanted to interact with a sloth. She got the opportunity on her birthday, and was overcome with emotion, as she tells Ellen DeGeneres. -via reddit Comments (4) Comments (4) Newest 4 Newest 4 Comments That was awesome, but I wanted to actually see her interact with the sloth. Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.) Reminds me of that woman who cried after seeing Star Wars. Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.) Memememe, me, TOO! (Can't hug all the sloths ;( ) Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.) I really love Ellen, right now. Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.) Login to comment. Click here to view up to the first 100 of this post's 4 comments
That was awesome, but I wanted to actually see her interact with the sloth. Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.)
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