Rabbit Herds Sheep

(YouTube link)

Champis is a dwarf rabbit in Sweden who think he's a sheepdog! He belongs to Nils-Erik and Greta who have a farm near the village of Käl. That's about all I can get from the Swedish, but you can read more at Gårdsbacken's blog. Link -via Metafilter

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Our pet rabbit would chase my son and I around the house.

It's a natural thing for them in the wild to pop at and chase each other, especially for territorial reasons and courtship.
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No you can TELL when the farmer isn't near to call the sheep or away from the dogs tha rabbit is 'herding' or trying to keep the sheep as a herd AWAY from something or together as it is visibly nipping and charging at specific sheep to get them running and bunched. Rabbits are knwon to do odd non docile herbervious things and mimic surrounding pets' like cats or dogs' behaviors if they don't have other rabbits to be raised around.
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Our pet rabbit would chase my son and I around the house.

It's a natural thing for them in the wild to pop at and chase each other, especially for territorial reasons and courtship.
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