Video Effects Breakdown

(vimeo link)

Brainstorm Digital clues us in on how they provide effects for television, specifically for the second season of Boardwalk Empire. And it's not all "special" effects, either. Productions now can do away with makeup, props, and even sets! It's all computer magic. Warning: may cause disillusionment. -Thanks, özi!

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That's wonderful! I'm stunned by how seamlessly it slots in. They make it look so easy, although it must be horrendously time consuming & fiddly.
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Amazing. It's almost impossible for your mind to watch something like that and not accept that it's all real, assuming that they've found some well-preserved period locations. Things like the ships you'd probably guess at being CGI, but not most of the other stuff. Directors must have to be real visionaries these days - the backdrops for 90% of what they are shooting aren't anywhere close to the end results, so the planning and storyboarding must be monumentally detailed and precise.
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wow, as a big big fan of boardwalk empire i knew there was a bit of cgi involved, scenes like the first one with the large boats are fairly easily to take notice of if you're looking, but i had no idea how much cgi went into little things.

90% of the show is beautifully subtle in it's use of the cgi backdrops and this video was brutally impressive.

the planning for all this seems mind boggling as well.
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