Play As Your Favorite Nintendo Characters In Super Mario Crossover

The team at Exploding Rabbit have a gift for any fan of classic Nintendo games, and/or those looking to kill some time online with a really fun retro side scroller- Super Mario Crossover, a custom Super Mario Bros. game that allows you to play through as one of eight playable characters!

You can play as Link from The Legend Of Zelda, Samus from Metroid, Bill Rizer from Contra, Mega Man, even Simon from Castlevania, just to name a few.

Just think how fun it will be to smack Koopas around with a whip, or shoot Bowser in the face when he least expects it, all the while taking in the classic video game soundtrack slightly re-imagined. It's like the NES threw a party, and you're invited!

Link  --via ComicsAlliance

Comments (3)

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I stand by my original thought when I first found this.

Nintendo should find the guys who did this and pay them the average cost for developing DLC for the Wii, then release it.

This game is a ton of fun. With a few more tweaks, this could be a big seller. Imagine replaying all the 2D Mario games with a SSB array of characters. Awesome.
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I stand by my original thought when I first found this.

Nintendo should find the guys who did this and pay them the average cost for developing DLC for the Wii, then release it.

This game is a ton of fun. With a few more tweaks, this could be a big seller. Imagine replaying all the 2D Mario games with a SSB array of characters. Awesome.
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