What Kids Wanted For Christmas In The 80s

(Image via mattonfire)

Continuing our series of what kids wanted back in the day, we explore the 1980s-a time of excess, badass toys and fashion regrets. While kids in previous decades may have had simpler tastes, by the 80s it was all about the latest toys based on cartoons and TV shows, electronics and video game systems, sometimes all rolled into one.

I couldn't find one site with a comprehensive list of what we all wanted for Christmas in the 80s, so I chose 3 different sites that detail most of the amazing toys from that decade:

14 Photos of Kids Opening Presents in the 80s --this one's cute because you get to see their reaction as they get the toy/present of their dreams.

Looking Back on the Hottest 80s Toys --a list, accompanied with pictures, that briefly describes each toy. This one's mostly aimed at girls.

Top 20 Totally Awesome Toys from the 80s --this one's fun because it features TV commercials for most of the toys on the list.

Enjoy this look back at the fabulous toys of the 1980s, and if you still have some of these treasures in a box somewhere, they may be more valuable than you think!

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I still have the dreamhouse. HOURS of playing happened there.

And if anyone misses the smell of the strawberry shortcake dolls, get the glad bags with febreeze added - smells exactly the same to me!
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I wanted Laser Tag. In fact, I think that I'd still like it. The only reason why I don't play now at one of those commercial venues is that it'd look weird at my age.
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I wanted Laser Tag. In fact, I think that I'd still like it. The only reason why I don't play now at one of those commercial venues is that it'd look weird at my age.
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I still have the dreamhouse. HOURS of playing happened there.

And if anyone misses the smell of the strawberry shortcake dolls, get the glad bags with febreeze added - smells exactly the same to me!
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