How to Ripen Bananas

Grocery stores always manage to have a table full of bananas just the perfect shade of yellow to attract customers, that will last a couple more days while the family eats them. They are shipped in by the boatload from Central America, so how do they manage this feat? You can get the lowdown from a banana distributor who explains the precisely controlled process that produces the produce we buy. Link -via Jason Kottke

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Around here they're all a 3. You have to plan a few days ahead, at least, if you want to eat them.
A really old neighbor of mine who was near the end of his life used to joke that he didn't buy green bananas any more.
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I generally buy 5 or 6 but I only ever buy what I'm likely to eat within a day or two. It's too humid here and they go black really quickly - and I'd probably only use a 7 on a sandwich (with heaps of butter & nutella) or throw it out. Once they get squishy and overripe I don't like them.

Although after the floods & cyclone in North Queensland earlier this year - they've been pretty expensive and rare so I've only just had my first lot for the year.
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I don't know where do you live, but here in the Canary Islands, bananas in the grocery store are either 2, or 6,5. It's not easy to find the perfect bananas.

Hard to understand how do they manage that, being the bananas produced locally.
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I buy a LOT of bananas, so when I stock up I try to buy a mix of green and yellow ones - yellow for eating soon, green for later. No point in buying all one colour because they'll all become edible on the same day! They will ripen MUCH quicker if you leave them in a plastic bag where the gas they give off is trapped around them. Trying to keep them fresh in the fridge has, er, mixed results - it sort of works but the skins go black and the fruit is really only good for pulping into smoothies and shakes or, my favourite, mashed banana sandwiches :)
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