Tiny Worlds Inside Altoids Tins

The overarching theme of artist Jim Doran is to "put ideas inside of other objects." In keeping with this motif, he illustrates tiny pen and ink scenes and layers them inside storage tins. This one, which has seven layers, is called "Muse Ut Vos Postulo Suus." That means "A Muse When You Need Her." Need inspiration? Reach inside your pocket.

Artist's Website -via Bit Rebels

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lol, jim.

I was here all along, criticizing something else.

You could try:
Musa, ut tibi opus est. (if I'm not mistaken)

Enjoyed the dioramas, though.
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That garbled Latin is what happens when you use the Internet to translate for you. The word "Muse" didn't even get translated. "Ut" doesn't normally mean when. "Vos" shouldn't even have been translated, since it should be part of the verb, and it's plural, which probably wasn't the personal sense he wanted. "Postulo" is first person singular, not second person, and means "demand" more than it does "need". "Suus" is way of, as a reflexive pronoun.

Muse as you I demand his/her own.

Reminds me of those mangled tattoos, especially the one about "nobody but God can judge me". I knew a girl who had that one, and I wondered if she got the garbled one on purpose, but I never asked, to spare her feelings.
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