NYPD Blames Occupy Wall Street for a Jump in Gun Crimes

Did Occupy Wall Street cause gun crimes to jump higher in New York City? That's what the NYPD is sayin':

Four high-ranking cops point the finger at Occupy Wall Street protesters, saying their rallies pull special crime-fighting units away from the hot zones where they’re needed.

Since Occupy Wall Street took over Zuccotti Park on Sept. 17, the NYPD has relied heavily on its borough task forces, the department’s go-to teams for rowdy crowds.

But such protest duty takes the special units away from their regular jobs -- patrolling public housing and problem spots and staking out nightclubs plagued by violence, supervisors said.

“Normally, the task force is used in high-crime neighborhoods where you have a lot of shootings and robberies,” said one source.

“They are always used when there are spikes in crime as a quick fix. But instead of being sent to Jamaica, Brownsville and the South Bronx, they are in Wall Street.”

Link (Photo: David Shankbone/Wikipedia)

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Here's an idea: Let the business owners and ordinary citizens buy handguns to defend themselves like most of the rest of the country, without any restrictions more than the usual NICS checks and other rules and regulations that the rest of the state must follow. Also, allowing law-abiding citizens to carry concealed with a permit that's issued to anyone that applies and passes a criminal background check will immediately reduce the crime rate.

All these big cities need more law-abiding citizens with guns, not less: Instead, Bloomberg has inherited 8.2 million subjects, which ~45,000 cops must control. They can't be everywhere at once, and when seconds count, they're only minutes away.
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