Perfectly Positioned

It looks like a pretty but not extraordinary illustration, right? Keep scrolling.

It's actually a series of sheets of bullet-proof glass suspended so that they look like a face when viewed from the right angle. Michael Murphy assembled this sculpture. This and other works by him are on display at gallery nine5 in New York City.

Link -via Colossal

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I found a surplus of the bulletproof glass in a dumpster at a plastics distributor in Atlanta. The sculpture is therefore made of 90% recycled materials. The material cuts beautifully with my hand tools and is virtually indestructible, allowing me to make very fine cuts.
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I found a surplus of the bulletproof glass in a dumpster at a plastics distributor in Atlanta. The sculpture is therefore made of 90% recycled materials. The material cuts beautifully with my hand tools and is virtually indestructible, allowing me to make very fine cuts.
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