A Chopstick in Your Mouth Will Teach You How to Smile

Some firms in China train their customer service staff members to smile with a chopstick. Keep it between your teeth. Don't touch it with your lips. And above all, don't drop it. You. Will. Smile. Understood?

Link -via American Digest | Photo: Asianews

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But if something crazy comes out of Japan, isn't that where it came from? Nowhere do I see John saying anything negative or stereotypical about Asians in this posting, and absolutely no comment approaching "those wacky and crazy Asians".

Is this being done in China? Are all of the people in the picture Asian? John has done nothing but present the facts.

You're being way too critical and sensitive, nihil.
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Good stuff Nihil, really interesting and insightful - thanks! I never knew about the eastern types of emoticons. I did know about the fact Russians don't react well to people who smile for little or no reason and that Americans seems crazy to them.....to be fair to Russians though, Americans seem crazy to most people who are not themselves American and also to a good proportion of actual other Americans.
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