Here's a Megaphone. Say Something Nice to New York City.

(Video Link)

For their latest stunt, the people of Improv Everywhere left a megaphone on a lectern in several spots around New York City. A sign on the lectern invited people to "say something nice." New Yorkers proved to be up to the task. Link -via Gizmodo

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There are all sorts of announcements, proclamations, and comments, all of which put the focus on the listeners. (Even "I love you all" still keeps the listeners in as the grammatical object.)

And then the Texans get up there. And the thing they're happiest to say is "We're from Dallas, Texas", but obligated to say "and we love NY", which is more about how NY should appreciate the great great love of Texans. The audio could have been garbled when they said "Dallas, Texas", and I'd have still guessed they were from Texas.
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