The Mystery of a Ghost BMW Dealership

I'm not sure what it is about ghost towns and abandoned buildings that creates a deep fascination with most people. This "ghost BMW dealership" is no exception. Apparently it went out of business but the owner kept the property in tact for 23 years with unused cars sitting in the window.
The owner, apparently a well-off business man, seemed to have no interest in selling the place, or even the inventory, as everything seems to have been left behind intact. One hundred percent frozen in time is the only description that seems fitting when describing this ultimately interesting place.

In the showroom you'll find an E24 and 635csi BMW in absolute mint condition. Well, mint may be the wrong word to use as the rubbers have probably given away and the gasoline has made a mess of things inside the mechanical bits. ‘Unused' may be a better word to describe these twenty-three year old cars. Especially the 635csi, which apparently only has double digit kilometers on the odometer. Also note the typical 1980's showroom interior furnishings, architecture, and design.


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I call foul - if not, where can I buy tyres that will stay perfectly inflated for 12 years? Also, must be a pretty low-crime neighbourhood not to have been broken into for two 'new' cars like that.
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What this reminds me of: My brother one time was with a friend in Michigan, and they explored a factory that had closed pretty much right after The Great Depression hit, 1929, and it was like a time capsule inside. Newspapers strewn about with the 1929 date, tools still in drawers. The safe had been blown open, but otherwise, surprisingly little vandalism.
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Where I grew up in Pennsylvania a Hudson dealer did the same thing. The cars sat in the showroom, and were there well into the 90's when the owner died, and the family sold off the property.
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I call foul - if not, where can I buy tyres that will stay perfectly inflated for 12 years? Also, must be a pretty low-crime neighbourhood not to have been broken into for two 'new' cars like that.
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