The Periodic Table of Heavy Metal

I known a lot of you guys might not be big fans of heavy metal music, but even if you don't appreciate the genre, you should at least enjoy the scientific organization of these bands. For those that do like heavy metal, rest assured that it does have some of the most classic bands in the genre including AC/DC, Girlschool, Judas Priest and Ministry.

Link Via Laughing Squid

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hey i'm american and i'm willing to bet i know more about metal then you ever will. metal is the largest and most diverse genre in music. just because you don't like all sub genres like the scorpions (hair metal) doesn't mean it's not metal. just because you like one sub genre of metal better than other doesn't take away from the fact that the others are still metal. this closed minded thinking only proves that america is better then your shit hole country. oh and a side note, the scorpions are a german metal band asshole. :)
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