Buy an Entire Town for $799,000

In most towns around the country $799,000 may get you a decent house. However in the town of Scenic, SD that amount will the entire town.

The nine residents of Scenic, S.D., say the 12-acre city, including a saloon, post office and two stores, was once a "rough and tumble cowboy town" that now, like much of the country, has hit harder economic times. And today, it can be yours for $799,000.


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There was a town in New Zealand optimistically listed for $1m - it eventually sold for $70k. There was about 40 houses, a pub and a fire station in the deal.
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$800K MAY get you a decent house? Sure, if you're slumming, maybe. I wouldn't settle for less than $2mil.

Maybe for my valet or my maid. I'm sure they'd like one of those $800K hovels.
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