OK Go Music Video Features Body Letters

(Video Link)

The band OK Go, noted for its innovative music videos, has paired up the the dance troupe Pilobolus for the video for their new single "All Is Not Lost". Pilobolus does amazing storytelling using dancers' bodies to create shadows. In this video, the dancers move to show the lyrics as they are sung.

The official website for the video includes a feature that, when loaded with Google Chrome, is supposed to let you write your own message with the bodies of dancers. At least, that's what I think it is supposed it to do. The site opened fourteen pop-ups on my computer and then didn't run. Maybe the site is currently overloaded.

Link -via The Hairpin | Pilobolus

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It's best to close down other programs and browsers when you try to watch the video, and the message works! It is very cool when you get to the end ;D
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The only "All" that is lost is a finite set of fantasies that didn't come true. The All persists forever! Tides come in and tides go out, but "never leave the stream of warm impermanence".
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ummm. it looks nice and all but I'd be imbarressed if I were those dancers, their form sucks! slow-mo shows it all. really guys, you need to go back to the basics of ballet (ie, HEELS TOGETHER WHEN LANDING A JUMP in 1st position!)
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