From an early age most boys learn that they are “should” play with trucks, love blue and play baseball. Girls are taught to play with dolls, love pink and play house. However more and more parents are educators are experimenting with raising children “genderless” such as the Canadian parents who would not reveal the gender of their baby. Now this preschool in Sweden leaves gender roles up to the kids. What do you think? Should children be raised “genderless?”
At the "Egalia" preschool, staff avoid using words like "him" or "her" and address the 33 kids as "friends" rather than girls and boys.
From the color and placement of toys to the choice of books, every detail has been carefully planned to make sure the children don't fall into gender stereotypes.
"Society expects girls to be girlie, nice and pretty and boys to be manly, rough and outgoing," says Jenny Johnsson, a 31-year-old teacher. "Egalia gives them a fantastic opportunity to be whoever they want to be."
The taxpayer-funded preschool which opened last year in the liberal Sodermalm district of Stockholm for kids aged 1 to 6 is among the most radical examples of Sweden's efforts to engineer equality between the sexes from childhood onward.
Comments (37)
I wonder if this is the next step in evolution, or simply a human experiment?
As for me, all I know is that I know nothing - Socrates.
So at this point it's probably self-evident that I support the idea behind this preschool and hope that it provides promising results.
when it comes to nature over nurture, nature wins.
They still have normal boys/girls names (I hope) they will go to school and see "stereotyped" behavior there. What are the goals of such an upbringing? Kids with identity problems? Does it really only go as "deep" as to encourage boys to play with dolls? Why is that important? What for? %-/
All he/she/it has to do is look a few inches below their bellybutton and they KNOW what gender they are - so how exactly are they "genderless"?
[*1] Neurons are nerve cells, which communicate with each other by sending out "messages" from extensions of the cell body called axons and receiving "messages" into extensions called dendrites. The axon-dendrite point of communication is termed a synapse. Synaptogenesis is the creation of synapses.
This process is genetically determined. However, not all the synaptic connections survive, many being subsequently "pruned" due to lack of use (Singer, 1995). During this period of plasticity, or potential for change, the determination of which synaptic connections will persist is environmentally regulated, being dependent on information received by the brain. A competitive process operates, determining which neurons and neural connections will survive. The competition is, for instance, for potential binding sites on the receiving neuron. To quote Courchesne, Chisum, and Townsend (1994) "neurons that fire together, wire together". Synaptic connections that are not utilised gradually disappear. The progressive neuronal maturation and the establishment of synaptic connections are reflected in changes in the infant's increasing functional maturity.
but 'boy' is masculine...
it figures...
I was going to say that aswell, but I'm glad you said it first. Now I can say it too, and won't be a douche?
American Psychology Association
Glossary of Psychological Terms
From Gerrig, Richard J. & Philip G. Zimbardo. Psychology And Life, 16/e
Published by Allyn and Bacon, Boston, MA. Copyright (c) 2002 by Pearson Education.
Reprinted by permission of the publisher.
Gender - A psychological phenomenon that refers to learned sex-related behaviors and attitudes of males and females.
Gender identity - One's sense of maleness or femaleness; usually includes awareness and acceptance of one's biological sex.
Gender roles - Sets of behaviors and attitudes associated by society with being male or female and expressed publicly by the individual.
Also, read any introductory psychology textbook for the same info.
Taking the 'vs.' out of nature vs. nurture
Evolutionary and cultural psychologists found common ground at a first-ever conference.
November 2004, Vol 35, No. 10
Ryan, I can see you really haven't improved after all. It's a shame. I was looking forward to your promised self-imposed exile.
This school is not raising kids as "genderless". It's simply not providing the kids with any guidance on what their gender roles should be. It's something that's been going on in small measure for a while, and doesn't really seem that startling.
"Once mature, a person prefers substance to appearance, fruit to flowers." - Lao Tzu
And that's it for me. If you want to pursue your pointless endeavour of posting bloated, largely ignored comments that are simply filling up Alex's storage room on the Neatorama servers, be my guest. I ignored you before, and I will go back to ignoring you again. I'll send you the bill when the scroll button on my mouse wears out.
As for this topic, the entire post describes the school as "genderless", and makes reference to the "genderless" baby in Canada. Dougert pretty much made the best comment here: kids will do what they do no matter what we tell them they should.
Are you afraid of ACTUAL information? Because I don't see how Ryan is hurting anyone. You seem fine with comments calling these kids freaks just for not having gendered toys or books. How about you just deal with someone else posting something on the INTERNET of all places, because from over here, you sound really mad.
Ted isn't removing Ryan's posts, he is just responding to them, therefore he isn't moderating. What he is doing is pointing out the nature Ryan's anal-retentive long-winded soapbox-mounted posts. Also if you reread Ted's post you will see he said "I'm not sure they'll turn into freaks of nature because of this.", and not "I am positive these test tube nursed abominations will become freaks just like their parents.”
I for one welcome our gender neuter child overlords.
Instead they would talk about imprinting effects and neuroplasticity. They would recognize that "wants" are merely phenomenal effects of brain-modelling. Feral children provide a good example of how imprinting affects a child's "wants".
But, without any genuine understanding, I can see how "kids will do what they want" is a profound analysis...
If S believes that if p, then (q unless S does x); and S desires that not-q; and S does not believe that if p and S does x, then something r will be the case such that S desires not-r more than S desires that p; etc.; then, ceteris paribus, probably S will do x.
But still doesn't tell us what a "belief" is or "desires". Those are taken for granted in this argument.
A similar over-production of synapses (synaptogenesis) occurs in adolescence, but primarily in the frontal lobes which function as the executive of the brain. This explains teenage behavior (Geidd).
So at this point it's probably self-evident that I support the idea behind this preschool and hope that it provides promising results.
As for me, all I know is that I know nothing - Socrates.
I wonder if this is the next step in evolution, or simply a human experiment?