How to Catch a Boat Full of Fish

(YouTube link)

Step 1: Get in a boat somewhere near Spoon River.

Step 2: Wait.

Step 3: FREAK. OUT.

According to YouTuber boodhaman:

My brother, nephews and a friend go "fishing" down a small drainage ditch in the flooded Spoon River.
They counted 70+ 5-10lb. Asian Carp once they stopped the boat. The funniest part, is that Matthew, my youngest nephew, is curled up in the fetal position in the front of the boat the entire time, and you never see him! Also it is absolutely infinitely more hilarious when viewed in slow motion.

Asian Flying Carp are an invasive species that is currently wreaking havoc on Midwestern waterways. And as you can see, they're aggressive.

via Laughing Squid via ViralViralVideos

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Swarms of fish jumping into your boat. . .where have I seen something like that before?. . . .

By the way, some recipies of Gefilte fish use carp. The Asians also do eat these fish, so I don't think its fair to say they're totally inedible.
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@ JJ
Yep. That's why they're jumping like mad. They did a story on invasive species on TLC and Discovery Channel. They're extremely sensitive and any noise in the water or even a small electrical current makes them jump like that. To them, it all screams "PREDATOR!" so they try to jump and get away.

Be real careful if you do go around an area where they are breeding; though not aggressive to people, a 40lbs fish jumping for freedom can still hit and bruise a full grown man.
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I did them all on my own, but only because I sent the link to a friend and we were seeing who could finish it first. Usually I don't have the patience for it, but when there's a chance to gloat I don't pass it up.

For 19 you have to get the block off the swing as quickly as possible. It takes two cuts, a long top left to right bottom slice, then a smaller one quick. It's a bitch to get, definitely the hardest one.
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