Sounds gross, I know, but it's actually a pretty interesting concept. To try to call attention to the bee plight in London, Capital Bee, a campaign that promotes community beekeeping, has created a series of ads featuring dead bees. The bees encounter a number of city calamities, from getting squished on the Tube to the window washing mishap above.
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there is a big problem in the us where the pollinating bees are dying off in droves. a big deal if you like any food that isnt meat.
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This reminds me of Black Books when Manny gets trapped in the store and is forced to eat Bernard's dead bees on the windowsill.
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As usual with a lot of environmental issues they are targeting (or putting the blame on) the consumer, the only party who has pretty much no say in the matter. Get real, it does not work that way. The consumer buys what is cheapest. The end.
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