Happy Captain Picard Day!

(YouTube link)

June 16th is Captain Picard Day! Captain John-Luc Picard is the commander of the USS Enterprise in the TV series Star Trek: The Next Generation. Read about the origins and the reasoning behind the holiday at Geeks Are Sexy. Link

Also enjoy some fan art at a blog set up just for the occasion called, appropriately enough, Captain Picard Day. Link

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Captain Pircard was also a big fan of Herman Mellville's Moby Dick and an admirer of Captain Ahab. Was he not? Remember near the end of First Contact "Ahab spent years hunting the white whale that crippled him; but in the end, it destroyed him and his ship."

Actually, the story is about Ishmael ("God has hearkened") not Ahab. But that is a common mistaking. And Ahab's fate was Truth.

"Call me Ishmael" - Moby Dick, Chapter 1, Page 1, Sentence 1, Words 1-3

"And I [Ishmael] only am escaped alone to tell thee." - Moby Dick, Epilogue

"Where is the foundling's father hidden? Our souls are like those orphans whose unwedded mothers die in bearing them: the secret of our paternity lies in their grave, and we must there to learn it. " - Moby Dick, p. 487

Anyway, just since we are talking about Picard Day.
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