They say the revolution won’t be televised, but it most certainly will be "posterized." With so many stylized propaganda posters circulating throughout the twentieth century, it’s no wonder that so many artists have taken inspiration from these influential works of art. Here are 15 awesome examples of propaganda poster art.
Video Games
Steve Thomas is able to master an array of artistic styles and he does a great job of integrating these with pop culture icons. He’s made travel posters for The Lord of The Rings, propaganda posters for social media and all kinds of other great works, but my personal favorite are his delightful videogame propaganda posters like this one for Joust. He broke the series into 12 parts so you can even buy a calendar of them.
Star Wars
Artist Steve Squall made these recruitment posters for both the Rebel Alliance and the Imperial Navy. I have to say, given the messages of the Rebel Alliance posters that memorialize Alderaan and condemn wookiee slavery, I don’t see why anyone would want to join the Imperial Navy.
I love DeviantArt user Comixmill’s poster reminding stormtroopers to enforce height requirements because it’s one of those things you won’t get unless you’re really into Star Wars and remember the line Leia says to Luke when they first meet.
The Mushroom Kingdom
These four awesome Mario-themed propaganda posters, notably all recruiting for Bowser’s evil squad, are limited edition prints available as a set from Fro Design Co. for only $80.
Panda Revolution
There’s something so delightful about pandas that their propaganda actually makes me want to sign up to fight for any cause they are promoting. I think DeviantArt user Xaiobaosg’s panda revolution posters are so cute, they’re seriously dangerous for society.
After illustrator Kevin Skinner’s younger brother had a heart attack, Kevin opted to raise money for his family’s medical bills the best way he knew how –by offering limited edition linocuts on eBay. Perhaps the coolest of the artworks was this image, called Invincible, depicting Bert in a very ominous Soviet-style poster.
If you watch enough Muppets, then you probably get the obscure gorf reference, but if not, it’s still easy to appreciate the fine level of detail in this picture by Dave Pryor, including the “It’s Not Easy Being Green” text in the background.
Dino D-Day
If you’ve ever wondered what would happen if the Nazi scientists were able to resurrect dinosaurs and put them on the front line against the Allies, then you have got to check out the upcoming game, Dino D-Day. To help promote this brilliant resurrection of the played out WWII first person shooter genre, the company making the game is selling an array of WWII-style propaganda posters featuring dinosaurs. The result is mind-bogglingly awesome.
All of you Doctor Who lovers will be sure to appreciate these fun Dalek “Victory” posters the BBC put out to promote the “Victory of the Daleks” episode that featured Winston Churchill fighting Nazi Germany with the help of the Daleks.
Lenin Cat
If you’re a big fan of I Can Has Cheezburger and their many other photo sites, then you are likely familiar with the epic battle between Business Cat and Lenin Cat. For a minute, the shop was selling this pro-communist kitteh tee, and while it’s sold out now, they might bring it back if enough people ask for it to be reprinted. As of right now, Business Cat is still tee shirt free, so score one for Lenin Cat.
The Smurfs
DeviantArt user Domnx makes a lot of propaganda art, but this Smurfs one is particularly great. I love how she switched up the usual communist red tones for blue and worked “Papa” into the slogan.
Sponge Bob
Never has a little yellow sponge looked so intimidating as this. Interestingly, this picture by DeviantArt user BeJay was inspired by the many propaganda artworks of fellow site user Domnx.
Planet of the Apes
Imagine Charlton Heston’s face if he stumbled upon this intimidating pro-ape poster by Deviant Art user Satansgoalie.
Social Media
Brian Lane Winfield Moore’s propaganda posters may have a distinct WWII style, but with the themes all focused on social media, the designs are all ready for WWIII.
Apparently Brian Merice created this image so he could submit it as a tee design on Threadless. Personally, I’m a little sad this shirt never got made. I certainly would have voted for it. As you probably know, this list is by no means exhaustive and there are plenty of other cool propaganda style posters out there, so if you know any, please feel free to share them in the comments. Also, which of these posters would be most effective on you?
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