The Best and Worst of States

What does your state do best? What are you collectively worst at? Apparently we Oklahomans have the best license plate but the most female criminals; if this were still a time in which inmates stamped plates during their incarceration, I'd say it was obvious. As it stands, I think the rest of you states are just really slacking in the cool license plate department.

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The author isn't terribly bright. He seems to have confused Missouri with Arkansas in this passage: "The most bizarre distinctions, finally, are reserved for New Mexico (Spaceport Home), Oklahoma (Best Licence Plate) and Missouri (Bromine Production)." On the map Missouri is the political bellwether and Arkansas is the top in bromine production.
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The author isn't terribly bright. He seems to have confused Missouri with Arkansas in this passage: "The most bizarre distinctions, finally, are reserved for New Mexico (Spaceport Home), Oklahoma (Best Licence Plate) and Missouri (Bromine Production)." On the map Missouri is the political bellwether and Arkansas is the top in bromine production.
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