How Far Do Cats Roam?

Jeff Horn conducted a two-year study for his master's thesis at the University of Illinois on roaming cats. For the study, 42 adult cats were fitted with electronics to trace their movements. Cats with owners had an average roaming territory of 4.9 acres, while feral cats roamed a much wider territory. One feral cat covered 1,351 acres! Data was also retrieved that showed owned cats were "highly active" only 3% of the time, compared to 14% for feral cats. That is very low, especially for an animal that must forage for food, but should not surprise anyone who knows cats. Link -via Pawesome

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The cat that lives with me has a roaming range of across the street, when she isn't sleeping on the sofa..... sometimes even as far as two doors down to the crazy cat lady's house.
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