United States of the Environment

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As if we need more things to fight over in America these info graphics will be sure to help in the age old argument “my state is better than your state.”  These two maps of the USA have interesting environmental facts on “How does your state excel?” such as California has the most acres of organic farmland and “How does your state not excel?” revealing California also has the most smog.  I’m sure all that smog will make for some delicious organic California oranges.  Link

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FACT CHECK: Texas leads the country in cancer risk from hazardous air pollutants and its air is by far the dirtiest. And when we look at the pollution per capita, Texas is one of the, if not the most polluted places in the world.
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FACT CHECK: Texas leads the country in cancer risk from hazardous air pollutants and its air is by far the dirtiest. And when we look at the pollution per capita, Texas is one of the, if not the most polluted places in the world.
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