What's Inside The Box: Thor

Howdy, Neatoramanauts - it's your lucky day! A mysterious box Thor Box showed up at the NeatoPlex last week. What's inside the box? Well, we don't know! Here's where you come in.

Let's play a game of What's Inside The Box (like we did a while ago with Iron Man 2). Contest rules are simple:

Enter your guess in the comment below
1. One Thor item you think is in the box.
2. Head on over to the NeatoShop and take a look at our wide selection of Funny T-Shirts. Pick one that you'd like (please include size and color).

One entry per comment, please. If you don't enter both, you forfeit the prize, mmkay? First person to guess the content of the Thor Box correctly wins whatever's inside. Two more people - picked at random - will win the T-shirts they selected. You can enter as many comments as you'd like.

Got that? Good luck!

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Oh heavens, the ads in the corner keep giving me ideas! It may be a Thor water bottle or mug! That would be highly exciting. Ah, forgot to read, it says one item per guess? That's no fun!

Ladies' Grey Roflcopter pilot shirt in as small as it comes!
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Alternatively, it may contain Thor comics, or a copy of the new Thor video game. An art book is also likely :)

Ladies' Grey Roflcopter pilot shirt in as small as it comes! Forgot to mention size in my previous comment.
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